Flowers in the Attic is a series of novels written by V.C. Andrews. The story follows the lives of four siblings who are kept in a locked attic by their grandmother. It has been adapted into various forms of media, from movies to mini-series. This article will explore the different adaptations and discuss where to watch them.
Where to Watch Flowers in the Attic
Flowers in the Attic has been adapted into various forms of media, from movies to mini-series and theatrical releases. The various adaptations are available to watch from streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and other platforms.
Overview of Adaptations
The original novel was published in 1979 and has spawned several adaptations. The first adaptation was a made-for-TV movie released in 1987, followed by a mini-series in 1994, and a theatrical release in 2014.
Lifetime Movie
The first adaptation of Flowers in the Attic was a made-for-TV movie produced by Lifetime in 1987. The movie stars Victoria Tennant, Kristy Swanson, and Louise Fletcher. It follows the story of the four siblings and their struggle to survive in the attic. Where to Watch Flowers in the Attic
V.C. Andrews’ Mini-Series
In 1994, V.C. Andrews’ Flowers in the Attic was adapted into a mini-series. It stars Victoria Tennant, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, and Louise Fletcher. The mini-series follows the same plot as the novel and movie, but with added scenes and character development.
Theatrical Release
In 2014, a theatrical adaptation of Flowers in the Attic was released. The movie stars Heather Graham, Ellen Burstyn, and Kiernan Shipka. It follows the same story as the previous adaptations, but with a slightly different ending.
Flower in the Attic on Netflix
Flowers in the Attic is available to watch on Netflix. The 1987 movie and the 2014 theatrical release are both available to stream on the platform.
Flower in the Attic on Hulu
The 1994 mini-series is available to watch on Hulu. The series is split into four parts and is available on the streaming service.
Other Streaming Platforms
The various adaptations of Flowers in the Attic are also available to watch on other streaming platforms, such as Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.
Flowers in the Attic is a series of novels written by V.C. Andrews. Where to Watch Flowers in the Attic. It has been adapted into various forms of media, from movies to mini-series and theatrical releases. These adaptations are available to watch on streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and other platforms.