Below is all the information you need to plant, grow and care for stargazer lilies.
What Are Stargazer Lilies?
The stargazer lily is a hybrid lily belonging to the oriental group of lilies. It was developed in 1974 by Leslie Woodriff, as a cross between the Lilium speciosum and Lilium auratum species. The California-based breeder wanted an upward-facing flower instead of a drooping one.
Stargazer lily plants can grow to about 4 feet tall and 1 foot wide, with flowers measuring six inches in diameter. They are among the most fragrant flowers, producing a spicy aroma that complements other flowers in an arrangement.
These plants can thrive in USDA hardiness zones between 3 to 9, where they can receive full sunshine and the soil is well-draining. This perennial bulb blooms in summer, producing large pink flowers with white edges.
The name stargazer is not about the flower’s shape. Instead, it associates with the flowers facing the sky, a characteristic that other lilies do not have. Stargazers are among the easiest plants to grow and care for, as discussed in the following sections.
Planting Stargazer Lilies
You can only grow stargazers from bulbs or dividing bulb scales. Below are the varieties of stargazers you can plant.
1. White Stargazers
White stargazers grow best in warmer climates up to USDA hardiness zone 10. Mature plants can reach heights of about 48 inches and the flowers feature petals that curl backward at the tip. Ensure you plant them in areas with full sun exposure for the plant to grow to its full potential.
2. Golden Stargazers
Golden stargazers are a cross between trumpet lilies and oriental lilies. They grow in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 9, where there is part shade to full sun and well-drained sandy or loam soil. Mature plants can grow to 4 feet tall and bloom in mid-summer. The flowers have deep yellow petals with red spots and curl backward at the tips.
3. Pink Stargazers
Pink stargazers are the most common variety in home gardens. They can survive in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8 and bloom from early to mid-summer. The flowers are showy, about six inches in diameter, with dark pink to red petals and white edges. Mature plants can grow to about 30 inches tall, with lance-shaped leaves that fall off as the plant grows taller.
Stargazers can produce between 6 to 8 flowers per stem when blooming, making them the showiest garden plants. The best locations to plant them are middle of the garden or at the edges to provide a colorful and fragrant backdrop for your garden.
Stargazers do not require stalking because the stems are sturdy enough to support the blooms. The flowers produce sweet smells that attract various pollinators, such as butterflies and hummingbirds, which make them beneficial for other garden plants to thrive.
Best Time to Plant Stargazer Lilies
The best time to plant stargazer lilies is spring or fall when the sun is not too harsh, and the soil is moist enough to support bulb development.
Ensure you select a location that receives adequate sunshine for at least six hours and that the soil is well-drained.
Where To Plant Stargazer Lilies (Indoors vs. Outdoors)
You can plant stargazer lily buds in containers indoors. Indoor stargazer lilies are relatively smaller and will grow to a height of about 24 inches with a width of about 18 inches. They make amazing centerpieces and can also work well as corner plants. Below are the instructions on how to plant stargazer lilies indoors.
1. Select a container at least 7 inches wide
Stargazer lilies are showy plants with lots of blooms. They need enough space to accommodate the stems that produce between 6 to 8 flowers when blooming. Also, ensure the pot has a draining hole to get rid of any excess water, to prevent bud and root rot.
2. Use potting soil of pH 6.5 to 6.9
Stargazer lilies thrive in acidic soil. They prefer sandy or loam soil with good drainage. They can also grow in clay soil, to which you can add peat moss to increase acidity. Adding organic matter to clay soil makes it more porous, allowing the buds to easily penetrate the top layer and the roots to develop.
Never use soil rich in superphosphates as it causes leaf burning. The ideal ratio of potting soil to grow stargazer lilies is 3 parts garden soil, 2 parts peat moss, and 1 part sand.
3. Planting stargazer lilies
You can use bulbs or seedlings to grow indoor stargazer lilies. Plant your bulbs or seedlings in holes about 6 inches deep. Then, cover the hole using your soil mix, leaving a distance of about 2 inches from the pot’s rim. Surround the base of the plant with mulch to maintain soil moisture, improving the chances of your plant taking root.
4. Water appropriately
Once you are done planting, water the plants until the soil settles, and keep regularly checking to monitor the soil moisture. If you find the top four inches of the soil are dry, it is time to rewater. Dry soil mixes result in wilted plants or your bulbs not germinating.
5. Select a spot with adequate sunshine
Stargazers will develop perfectly in areas with at least eight hours of full sunshine. Placing the plant next to a window gives it the best chance of maturing. You can also opt for the lounge area of your home, provided it receives abundant natural light.
How To Care For Stargazer Lilies In Pots
Stargazer lilies are hardy perennials and will not require much care once established. Here are a few tips on how to care for stargazer lilies in pots.
1. Temperature requirements
Stargazer lilies do well in temperatures between 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are ideal for maximum blooming. Maintain daytime and nighttime temperatures between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit for indoor stargazer lilies. Avoid placing the pots near vents because fluctuating temperatures can result in stunted or stretched plants.
2. Fertilizer guidelines
Stargazer lilies require large amounts of nutrients to grow. Always use fertilizers with a healthy balance of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to promote growth. For example, you can add ¼ cup of 10-10-10 granular fertilizer during potting to promote root growth and maximum bloom.
If chemical fertilizers are unavailable, you can also use organic fertilizers, such as bone meal and blood meal. These supplements improve the soil’s nutrient density and can last several planting cycles. Only fertilize stargazers once a month from spring to mid-summer, when they finish flowering.
3. Watering guidelines
Stargazer lilies are not water-intensive and can survive in hot climates. Keep the soil moist by providing at least an inch of water every week during extremely hot periods. Soak the soil to depths of about 6 inches and allow the excess water to drain. Avoid overhead watering because this can lead to fungal infections on the leaves and flowers.
4. Light requirements
Stargazer lilies require full sun exposure of about eight hours. Too much shade results in overly long, leggy stems that may require stalking.
5. Pruning guidelines
Yearly pruning of stargazer lilies encourages growth and maintains your plants’ health. Deadheading individual flowers prevents seed pod formation that can prevent healthy bulb development. Only deadhead the flowers after they are done blooming by cutting the small stalk attached to the plant.
You can also maintain your stargazer lily’s health by pruning dead flowers. Only remove flowers that are completely brown, since these can no longer produce food for the plant. Cut the stalks to ground level to completely remove the inactive parts of the plant.
Problems With Stargazer Lilies In Pots
Here are problems you can expect when growing stargazer lilies in pots.
1. Pest Infestations
Stargazer lilies can suffer from pest infestations if not well maintained. Common pests that affect stargazer lilies include aphids which bore into the plant’s stems and leaves, sucking the nutrients. Lily leaf beetles attack the flower buds and petals, preventing the plant from blooming in the summer.
During the rainy season, slugs and snails can invade your stargazer lilies and damage the shoots as they emerge in spring. You can manage this by setting traps and repellents in the late evenings. For example, you can sprinkle coffee grounds around the base of the plant to repel snails and slugs. Coffee is toxic to snails and will kill them when they come into contact with it.
2. Fungal and viral infections
Basal rot is a fungal infection resulting in the death of the stargazer lily plant. It attacks the stem and bulbs of the plant, causing yellowness and the descaling of the bulb.
Botrytis deprives your plants of nutrients, causing them to die if unchecked. You can prevent fungal infection using preventative sprays and bulb dips before planting. You can also manage the infection by uprooting all infected plants and destroying them.
Viral infections result from aphid infestation. The most prevalent viral infection for stargazer lilies is the lily Symptomless Virus, which replicates within the plant and robs it of nutrients. You can manage infections by uprooting the diseased plants and disinfecting your gardening equipment.
There are also virus-resistant hybrids you can purchase. Check with your local garden shop for availability.
3. Pet toxicity
Stargazer lilies are toxic to cats. They can result in gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhea and liver failure, which can be fatal without proper veterinary care. Always place your stargazer lilies in areas where your cat cannot reach them. For example, you can hang them in your front yard or erect a protective barrier to prevent easy access.
4. Single-blooming seasons
Stargazer lilies grown in pots only bloom for a single season. This is because these plants undergo an unnatural cycle that prevents them from developing naturally. You can manage this by regular pruning to promote the development of side shoots, preventing the need for a larger root system.
Best Soil for Stargazer Lilies
Stargazer lilies prefer a soil of pH 6.3 to 6.8, with average moisture. The best soil to grow stargazer lilies is sandy or well-draining loam soil. You can grow them in other soil types, provided you add peat moss and organic matter. For example, you can grow stargazer lilies in clay soil, provided you use acidic fertilizer and plenty of organic matter.
How To Plant Stargazer Lilies
Follow these steps when planting stargazer lilies in your garden.
Purchase the bulbs from your local garden store. Inspect them for any visible rotting signs and inquire if the variety is disease-resistant.
Select a planting site that receives adequate sunshine and has well-draining soil. Ideal locations receive at least six hours of full sun exposure in the morning and provide ample shade in the afternoon. For example, the edge of your garden is ideal since the sun will directly reach the plants, and your fence will provide shade in the afternoon.
Plant the bulbs at a depth of 7 inches, with a distance of 5 inches between planting holes. This prevents competition and allows the plants to establish healthy root systems. Add a ¼ cup fertilizer and organic matter to improve the soil’s nutrient content.
Wet the soil with at least an inch of water after planting to provide enough moisture for germination. Avoid overwatering because this can lead to bulb and root rot.
If all conditions are right, your bulbs should sprout within three weeks of planting.
How To Propagate Stargazer Lilies
Stargazer lilies are hybrid plants and do not reproduce like other lilies. You can break off the small offshoots from the parent bulb and replant them to grow new plants.
These take several years to develop, so you are better off purchasing new bulbs for faster growth.
How To Care for Stargazer Lilies in Different Seasons
How To Care for Stargazer Lilies in The Spring
Spring is the best time to grow stargazer lilies. Ensure your garden is well prepared for the plants to bloom next summer.
How To Care for Stargazer Lilies in The Fall
You can also plant stargazer lilies in the fall. Ensure the soil is moist to promote bulb sprouting and provide adequate fertilizer when required. Avoid watering when it rains because stargazer lilies only need an inch of water each week.
How To Care for Stargazer Lilies in Winter
Stargazer lilies can survive most winters. For extreme locations, you can cover the soil with mulch to prevent your bulbs from freezing.
Recap: The Stargazer Lily
Of all the flowers found at your local florist, lilies are undoubtedly one of the most popular. Lilies are available in a number of varieties and the Stargazer Lily is particularly beautiful.
Unlike some other types of lilies, Stargazers have a shorter history. Despite this, however, they are fast becoming one of the top choices. These flowers can be used to enhance a mixed flower arrangement or they can be enjoyed all on their own.
Other types of lilies are known for their popularity during Ancient Roman and Greek times. They were part of various traditions and, depending on the type of lily and the color, they represented several different meanings.
Stargazer lilies are associated with various messages including sympathy and prosperity. White Stargazers are often sent as part of a sympathy bouquet. So, if you know about somebody who has lost a loved one, send a thoughtful bouquet of white Stargazer Lilies. Wealth and prosperity are best represented by pink Stargazers so feel free to send these to a newly engaged or married couple or even as a birthday gift.
Stargazers are not only loved for their beauty but also for their sweet scent. Their smell is quite strong and has a way of filling a room. If you suffer from allergies, there is no need to worry because pollen can be removed from these flowers. Not only does this benefit your allergies, but it also prevents any potential mess from the pollen falling onto the table below.
Since the late 1900s, Stargazer Lilies have steadily become more popular. This just goes to show that there is a growing demand for more recently discovered flowers. While roses and carnations are classic favorites, many flower lovers like the idea of a more unique bouquet.
These flowers are also popular with those who enjoy tending to their colorful garden. They are perennials and they can be remarkably easy to grow. It is important to make sure that you understand the needs of the plant before choosing the perfect spot. If you are unsure, you can do some research online or ask an expert.