There’s something irresistible about landscapes in miniature, young and old alike delight in these tiny creations. You may be asking yourself, what makes a mini garden? Really, the skies the limit but here’s the general idea; planting small (dwarf) and slow growing selections of plants with accessories that reflect the complete landscape of your dreams.
Containers are a great way to showcase these detailed gardens, choose one with a lower profile and wide opening (think bonsai style) to give you the most surface area to work with. Drainage is preferable.
Just like with a full sized landscape you want to choose a variety of plants to provide structure and interest (make sure to select ones that will be happy with similar water and light). Start with a statement plant to give a sense of scale; I adore dwarf conifers like Hinoki Cypress species and Lemon Cypress. Next pick a small fluffy plant that will contrast with your statement plant, Wintergreen is a great choice with large red berries that add interest. Then I always like to include a few dwarf grasses or groundcover type plants to add texture and soften edges. Some of my favorite grasses are Dwarf Green Mondo and Dwarf Golden Acorus, Baby’s Tears also come in golden or green and make a nice carpet of foliage that can double as a lawn on such a small scale!
Think about what ‘hardscape’ elements you’d like for your landscape setting. Maybe a patio complete with gazebo and a bistro table, or go grand with a countryside chateau. Creating a scene is one of the most fun and creative aspects of gardening in miniature! You can repurpose materials, like buttons becoming stepping stones, or select from a wonderful assortment of accessories like mini dogs, bikes, benches, pots . . . that are made expressly for little landscapes.
Use well-draining soil and fill your container about half way or 4 inches from the top. Here we’ve used Gardener’s Gold Organic Potting Soil.
Now take your plants and mock them up to make sure they fit together well, don’t forget to leave room for your accessories! Once you have a pleasing arrangement, take it all out and start to plant by removing the pots, teasing the roots and placing the plants.
After all the plants are in place, fill in around them with more soil and smooth, leaving an inch of space at the lip of the container. To give the landscape a clean look use decorative pebbles to top dress around the plants, this will also provide a base for your accessories. Decorative moss can be another fun way to soften edges and give your creation a natural feel.
The next step is to add in the ‘hardscape’ accessories that set the scene. This really brings your landscape to life! Year-round we have a wide selection of miniature gardening accessories to add the finishing touches to your miniature gardening creation.
Use a watering can to keep the soil evenly moist (not soggy), without disturbing the top dressing. I find this is easiest by watering the center of each plant and letting the water soak in around the base. As the plants grow, pinch them back to keep the over-all size down and growth compact.
Once you complete your first tiny landscape, you’ll start seeing everything in miniature and be onto your next mini garden before you know it.
This season we created over 100 of these mini landscapes for holiday gifts. At our garden center’s you’ll find all the materials necessary to create your own unique creation as well as some pre-planted mini gardens awaiting the final decorative details. Looking for a unique gift idea? Mini gardens are always a hit!
Check out the gallery below for ideas and inspiration for a holiday themed miniature garden.
There’s something irresistible about landscapes in miniature, young and old alike delight in these tiny creations. You may be asking yourself, what makes a mini garden? Really, the skies the limit but here’s the general idea; planting small (dwarf) and slow growing selections of plants with accessories that reflect the complete landscape of your dreams.
Containers are a great way to showcase these detailed gardens, choose one with a lower profile and wide opening (think bonsai style) to give you the most surface area to work with. Drainage is preferable.
Just like with a full sized landscape you want to choose a variety of plants to provide structure and interest (make sure to select ones that will be happy with similar water and light). Start with a statement plant to give a sense of scale; I adore dwarf conifers like Hinoki Cypress species and Lemon Cypress. Next pick a small fluffy plant that will contrast with your statement plant, Wintergreen is a great choice with large red berries that add interest. Then I always like to include a few dwarf grasses or groundcover type plants to add texture and soften edges. Some of my favorite grasses are Dwarf Green Mondo and Dwarf Golden Acorus, Baby’s Tears also come in golden or green and make a nice carpet of foliage that can double as a lawn on such a small scale!
Think about what ‘hardscape’ elements you’d like for your landscape setting. Maybe a patio complete with gazebo and a bistro table, or go grand with a countryside chateau. Creating a scene is one of the most fun and creative aspects of gardening in miniature! You can repurpose materials, like buttons becoming stepping stones, or select from a wonderful assortment of accessories like mini dogs, bikes, benches, pots . . . that are made expressly for little landscapes.
Use well-draining soil and fill your container about half way or 4 inches from the top. Here we’ve used Gardener’s Gold Organic Potting Soil.
Now take your plants and mock them up to make sure they fit together well, don’t forget to leave room for your accessories! Once you have a pleasing arrangement, take it all out and start to plant by removing the pots, teasing the roots and placing the plants.
After all the plants are in place, fill in around them with more soil and smooth, leaving an inch of space at the lip of the container. To give the landscape a clean look use decorative pebbles to top dress around the plants, this will also provide a base for your accessories. Decorative moss can be another fun way to soften edges and give your creation a natural feel.
The next step is to add in the ‘hardscape’ accessories that set the scene. This really brings your landscape to life! Year-round we have a wide selection of miniature gardening accessories to add the finishing touches to your miniature gardening creation.
Use a watering can to keep the soil evenly moist (not soggy), without disturbing the top dressing. I find this is easiest by watering the center of each plant and letting the water soak in around the base. As the plants grow, pinch them back to keep the over-all size down and growth compact.
Once you complete your first tiny landscape, you’ll start seeing everything in miniature and be onto your next mini garden before you know it.
This season we created over 100 of these mini landscapes for holiday gifts. At our garden center’s you’ll find all the materials necessary to create your own unique creation as well as some pre-planted mini gardens awaiting the final decorative details. Looking for a unique gift idea? Mini gardens are always a hit!
Check out the gallery below for ideas and inspiration for a holiday themed miniature garden.