Long hot days and warm nights make July a great time for outdoor living, but remember to water! Hanging baskets, containers, vegetable gardens, flower beds and new plantings are especially vulnerable to weather stress. From lead-free hoses to expert advice, to complete irrigation systems, we can help make it easier.
Hanging baskets, window boxes and flower pots are looking great and provide lots of color around the deck, porch & patio. Continue to fertilize every 2 weeks and spray petunias and geraniums for the worm that eats the flower buds (white butterfly/moths seen flying around them).
- Gardner & Bloome for liquid fertilizer
- Bonide Captain Jacks for budworms
Mulch garden beds to conserve moisture and keep roots cooler. Measure or estimate how much is needed to cover about 1 inch thick of Black Forest Compost. Early morning is the best time to water vegetable and flower gardens to reduce evaporation. Water the soil, rather than leaves to reduce disease. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage root growth.
If a green lawn is desired, make sure lawn areas are receiving adequate water (approximately 0.5 to 1.5 inches per week from June through August). Deep watering less often is more effective than frequent shallow watering. Measure your water use by placing an empty tuna can where your irrigation water lands.
The dusty white stuff on leaves of roses, lilacs, azaleas and more is a fungal disease called powdery mildew; it seems to thrive at this time of year. Take a sample into the garden center for confirmation and solution.
Slugs are still out there munching, so another application of Sluggo or Sluggo Plus will be helpful, especially around vegetables.
Edibles to plant this month: snap beans, kale, lettuce (starts), radishes. –Water new seedlings well, shade them from hot afternoon sun until established.
It’s already time to think about fall/winter crops to replace the peas, radishes, & other early spring plantings. Sow seeds of broccoli, cabbage, Brussel’s sprouts, beets, carrots, radicchio, overwintering cauliflower & broccoli, and celery (starts) for harvest in September through the following April depending on the crop.
Late this month, begin to monitor for early and late blight on tomatoes (potato, eggplant & peppers too). Correct by pruning for air circulation, picking off affected leaves, and/or treat with organic fungicide. Use Bonide Copper Fungicide for organic disease control
Place traps to catch adult apple maggot flies; use pheromone traps to monitor presence of pests.
July 17-23: third spray for codling moth in apple and pear trees, as necessary. We suggest using Bonide Captain Jacks (hose-end sprayer)
Cover blueberry bushes with netting to keep birds from eating all of the berries.
Spider mites can become a problem on ornamental plants, vegetables, and fruit plants during hot, dry weather. Watch for dusty-looking foliage, loss of color, presence of tiny mites. Wash infested areas several times with water or spray with Bonide Neem Oil.
Are there partial bags/boxes of unused fertilizer being stored? Use now on plants in need of a boost; use as directed and be sure to water well after fertilizing.
Join us on July 27th at our 2nd Annual Charity Garden Party. Click here to learn more!
It’s summer entertaining & party time! Pick some fresh herbs from the garden (try mint, thyme, lavender or rosemary) and use to make flavored simple syrups:
- Use equal parts sugar and water (ex. One cup sugar to one cup water)
- Fresh herbs (more or less depending on desired flavor strength)
In a saucepan over med-high heat melt sugar in the water until completely dissolved. Add herbs; if using woody herbs such as lavender, thyme or rosemary, simmer on low for 10-15 minutes but if using soft herbs such as mint, basil, or dill remove from heat, cover & let steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain liquid and store in refrigerator (use within a week or two).
Add syrups to iced tea, fruit juice or cocktails for unique flavor from the garden.
Long hot days and warm nights make July a great time for outdoor living, but remember to water! Hanging baskets, containers, vegetable gardens, flower beds and new plantings are especially vulnerable to weather stress. From lead-free hoses to expert advice, to complete irrigation systems, we can help make it easier.
Hanging baskets, window boxes and flower pots are looking great and provide lots of color around the deck, porch & patio. Continue to fertilize every 2 weeks and spray petunias and geraniums for the worm that eats the flower buds (white butterfly/moths seen flying around them).
- Gardner & Bloome for liquid fertilizer
- Bonide Captain Jacks for budworms
Mulch garden beds to conserve moisture and keep roots cooler. Measure or estimate how much is needed to cover about 1 inch thick of Black Forest Compost. Early morning is the best time to water vegetable and flower gardens to reduce evaporation. Water the soil, rather than leaves to reduce disease. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage root growth.
If a green lawn is desired, make sure lawn areas are receiving adequate water (approximately 0.5 to 1.5 inches per week from June through August). Deep watering less often is more effective than frequent shallow watering. Measure your water use by placing an empty tuna can where your irrigation water lands.
The dusty white stuff on leaves of roses, lilacs, azaleas and more is a fungal disease called powdery mildew; it seems to thrive at this time of year. Take a sample into the garden center for confirmation and solution.
Slugs are still out there munching, so another application of Sluggo or Sluggo Plus will be helpful, especially around vegetables.
Edibles to plant this month: snap beans, kale, lettuce (starts), radishes. –Water new seedlings well, shade them from hot afternoon sun until established.
It’s already time to think about fall/winter crops to replace the peas, radishes, & other early spring plantings. Sow seeds of broccoli, cabbage, Brussel’s sprouts, beets, carrots, radicchio, overwintering cauliflower & broccoli, and celery (starts) for harvest in September through the following April depending on the crop.
Late this month, begin to monitor for early and late blight on tomatoes (potato, eggplant & peppers too). Correct by pruning for air circulation, picking off affected leaves, and/or treat with organic fungicide. Use Bonide Copper Fungicide for organic disease control
Place traps to catch adult apple maggot flies; use pheromone traps to monitor presence of pests.
July 17-23: third spray for codling moth in apple and pear trees, as necessary. We suggest using Bonide Captain Jacks (hose-end sprayer)
Cover blueberry bushes with netting to keep birds from eating all of the berries.
Spider mites can become a problem on ornamental plants, vegetables, and fruit plants during hot, dry weather. Watch for dusty-looking foliage, loss of color, presence of tiny mites. Wash infested areas several times with water or spray with Bonide Neem Oil.
Are there partial bags/boxes of unused fertilizer being stored? Use now on plants in need of a boost; use as directed and be sure to water well after fertilizing.
Join us on July 27th at our 2nd Annual Charity Garden Party. Click here to learn more!
It’s summer entertaining & party time! Pick some fresh herbs from the garden (try mint, thyme, lavender or rosemary) and use to make flavored simple syrups:
- Use equal parts sugar and water (ex. One cup sugar to one cup water)
- Fresh herbs (more or less depending on desired flavor strength)
In a saucepan over med-high heat melt sugar in the water until completely dissolved. Add herbs; if using woody herbs such as lavender, thyme or rosemary, simmer on low for 10-15 minutes but if using soft herbs such as mint, basil, or dill remove from heat, cover & let steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain liquid and store in refrigerator (use within a week or two).
Add syrups to iced tea, fruit juice or cocktails for unique flavor from the garden.