Over the last year, energy costs have risen dramatically. Fortunately, there are several simple ways to lower your electricity bills, like conducting a home energy audit or switching to a smart thermostat.
Energy costs escalate during winter as homeowners ramp up their heating usage. Here are a few tips to help you save on your electric bill this winter:
Adjust Your Thermostat
Lowering your electric bills can be as simple as adjusting your thermostat. A simple change in your setting can help cut energy costs without sacrificing comfort.
According to ENERGY STAR, a comfortable temperature for your home is about 78 degrees during the day. That’s the Goldilocks temperature that feels just right, and it will save you money by keeping your home energy efficient. You can save more by turning your thermostat down at night and when you’re away for extended periods.
You can set your programmable thermostat to turn down your home’s temperature at these times automatically. This can help you save even more on your electricity bill. Another way to save is by caulking the gaps around your doors and windows. By using proper insulation, you can prevent warm air from entering your home in winter and cool air from escaping during summer. This will result in significant savings on your electricity bill throughout the year.
Switch to a Time-Of-Use Plan
There are a lot of tips out there to help you lower your energy bills. While many come with a price tag, others are free and easy to do. Whether running large appliances like your dishwasher or washing machine, turning off lights when you’re not using them, or switching to a time-of-use plan, you can do plenty of things to put a dent in your energy costs without spending much money.
A time-of-use (TOU) plan varies by rate structure and energy company, but they all work similarly. They have a peak demand period in the evening, during which electricity prices are higher. To save on your electric bill, you’ll want to shift your energy usage to off-peak hours, such as late at night or early in the morning.
The goal is to hit your off-peak kilowatt goals each month to continue saving on your energy bills.
Install Energy-Efficient Appliances
The right appliances can make a big difference in your energy costs. While some, like a smart thermostat or changing your HVAC system, can cost money up front, energy-efficient models can save you enough on your electric bill to pay for themselves within a few years.
Energy-efficient appliances not only reduce your electricity bill but can also reduce greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are a leading cause of climate change and are harmful to the environment, human health, and all living things.
One of the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption is by reducing “vampire loads.” These are household items that use electricity even when they are not in use, such as VCRs, coffee makers, and charging cables. A quick look at your home’s smart meter or the hours of usage on your electricity bill can show you if there are any areas for improvement. If you need help figuring out where to start, your electric company in Dallas might offer an energy audit for free or at a discounted rate. Also, some electric companies have time-of-use plans that allow you to run large appliances at night for lower rates.
Upgrade Your HVAC System
Energy costs are a large part of your household budget, and they’re getting pricier. Fortunately, you can take many easy steps to reduce usage and save money.
Your HVAC system is one of your home’s largest energy consumers. Upgrading to a newer, more efficient model can help you save money on utility bills. Some models, like ductless mini splits, don’t use air ducts, making them more energy-efficient than traditional systems.
You can also improve your HVAC system’s efficiency by installing new insulation and repairing leaky ducts. You can even install air-side economizers and condenser controls for natural cooling.
Finally, a great way to reduce your energy bill is to have regular electrical audits. This can spot billing errors like demand errors, meter reading errors, ratchet errors, and multiplier errors that cause you to be overcharged. Working with a professional is best for the most effective results.
Upgrade Your Lighting
Many electric companies offer free home energy audits, including a room-by-room house examination to show you where you use energy. If your electric company doesn’t do this, you can also perform a DIY home energy audit.
Switching to energy-efficient lighting is one of the easiest ways to reduce electricity bills. It also reduces carbon dioxide emissions, which is excellent for the environment.
If you’re a long-time customer, try asking your electric company for a discount. Many companies reward loyalty with discounts not advertised to the public. Additionally, consider asking about other energy-saving perks like paperless billing and autopay.