The phrase “fresh as a daisy” resonates with everyone, and spend our favorite garden flowers flower picking or Daisy chain memory. Learn five kind of Daisy, this will give you enough scenery in formal arrangements or leisure landscape of the harvest.
1. English Daisy
The common English daisy, bellis perennis, has a somewhat-deserved reputation for being a weed due to its vigor and self-sowing nature. However, the cultivated semi-double and button varieties, like the ‘Galaxy Red’ type in this photo, are both showier and better behaved than the species. English Daisy in the United States department of agriculture growth zone 4 to 8 is tough, but they are in the cool summer weather is better in those areas. If this does not describe your area, try to grow the plants as a biennial autumn sowing in spring bloom.
2. Gerbera Daisy
The National Garden Bureau selected 2013 to be the “Year of the Gerbera,” declaring the pleasing shape and luminous colors of the flower to be irresistible to gardeners. Unlike the other daisies listed, this South African native is a tender perennial, and is only hardy in zones 9 through 11. However, the plants can thrive in the container garden, and make fabulous cut flowers, as many florists and brides can attest to. Plants like sunshine in the morning, though in a cold climate can put up with full of sunshine. At the level of soil water the plants to keep away from water leaves, which promote the fungal disease. Look for the ‘Festival’ series in a rainbow of colors, or try one of the lush, semi-double types like the creamy peach hues of ‘Cartwheel Chardonnay.’
3. Oxeye Daisy
What is considered a vigorous plant in one garden is considered a weed in another, and that is true for the oxeye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare. The oxeye is a native flower of Europe, where the spreading nature of the plants and drought tolerance make it a pasture pest. However, in tamer settings, the one to three foot plants are welcome for their three month long bloom time. Consider using them in a small, well-kept wildflower garden, or allow them to naturalize in your cottage garden. Short-lived perennial plants in 3 to 8 zone is strong, but they are in a dozen continental countries banned, so before planting please check with your local county extension office.
4. Painted Daisy
Easy care and vivid bud in every cutting should be a place in the garden. In the bright sunlight to two feet long, partial shade garden, was painted Daisy began in early summer flowering, even if you die in the fall bloom faded a second, smaller displays. After the fernlike leaves appear in spring, watch out for aphids and leafminers. Varieties like ‘James Kelway’ pictured here are easy to start from seed, or try the pale pink ‘Eileen May Robinson.’
5. Shasta Daisy
A cross of the oxeye daisy and three other wild daisies yielded the beloved Shasta daisy, Leucanthemum x superbum, named for Mt. Shasta in California. The large number of cultivars offer gardeners many different looks for the flower border, ranging from the yellow ‘Banana Cream’ to the frilly, fringed ‘Phyllis Smith’ pictured here. ‘Becky’ and ‘Alaska’ varieties are widely sold, and look like the classic daisy plant of many cottage gardens. The plants flower across a long season, but are at their peak in June and July. Although less plant maintenance, they don’t like wet feet, sometimes can’t reappears after a wet winter in the garden. Separate plants every two years, in order to maintain their vitality.